Monday 28 October 2013

Miss Representation (Blog post 2)

My Opinion on Miss Representation. 

This movie was about how women should be treated more equally and I thought it was fantastic. The whole movie was basically an argument on how women are treated unfairly through media, politics and in other ways throughout life. Miss Representation kept my attention throughout the whole movie, honestly I could barely even try to look for the device I was suppose to be looking for because I was so into the movie. It pointed out so many great points and arguments that I never even thought about before. Like the fact that 53% of 13 year old are unhappy with their bodies and that number increases to 78% by age 17. Or the fact that, 17% of teenagers engage in self harm.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you added the percentages in, it could pique the curiosity of those whom have never seen the movie before.
